Seize the day is the thought that comes most to mind to me if you have a sunny day in winter. And, if I do not have any close deadline with a client that keeps me in front of a …
Top 7 traveling suggestions // Top 7 de sugestões de viagens
🇬🇧 Dear readers, happy new year! We wish you a prosperous and an amazing year full of success and achievements! This week we take you on a “top 7” of our trips of 2018 and might want to consider them …
Porto, a city in our hearts // Porto, uma cidade nos nossos corações
Hello dear readers out in the world!
I was having a look at the blog and I suddenly wondered why I have not posted photos from Porto yet. Porto (or Oporto in English, but I will keep the Portuguese form …
Quinta dos Machados and a romantic escape // Quinta dos Machados e uma escapadinha romântica
Dreaming about a get away from all the rush, and Christmas still seems so far away? Or, already planning some little retreats for the New Year that is just around the corner? This week we have an amusing suggestion for …