Located in the Andalucía region of Spain, Ronda is one of the most ancient cities in Spain. It is surrounded by highlands which gives Ronda Spain such a magic ambience! In fact, we advise you to do at …
Contemplating the lagoon at “Barrinha de Esmoriz”
Last week we wandered around Aveiro’s lagoon city capital, Aveiro, for one of its most peculiar festivities. This week we go to the extreme north of the lagoon, somewhere between Esmoriz and Paramos, where there is a beautiful …
Footbridges with green surroundings next to Uíma / Passadiços com envolvente verdejante junto ao Uíma
We really do enjoy the opportunity to discover some new and interesting place, especially while doing an awesome hike amongst Mother Nature. The greener the better and that is exactly why this beautiful footbridge was a wonderful surprise.
If you …