Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco

Córdoba Spain in a quick stop

The last couple of weeks we have been in the Extremadura region of Spain. Extremadura conquered our hearts and, of course, we will speak about it in the next posts. However, seizing a full weekend off, a very rare thing, we made a road trip south to the region of “Andalucía” and aiming the magnificent Ronda (that we already told you about in this post). As we wanted to get to know more of the region, on the way back to Extremadura we made a quick stop in Córdoba Spain. We enjoyed walking in the city and losing ourselves through the streets, without a fixed plan, in this city considered the horse capital and World Heritage Site.

Córdoba is full of lively and colourful streets, with energetic stores and appealing restaurants. You are walking down the streets and you are invited to taste some sweets from one of the “tiendas” (stores).

We highlight a few things that were more impressive to us during our quick visit while we were exploring Córdoba Spain.

Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Streets of Córdoba
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site

Artists in the streets – Dedoleo Benito Ostos, this awesome artist uses only the paints and the tip of its fingers to do amazing creations
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Inviting shop windows

Plaza de las Tendillas – Córdoba Spain

The square “de las Tendillas” is the most majestic plaza of Córdoba with its splendid buildings full of statues. The architecture surrounding the Plaza reminded us for a second of the Avenue of the Allies in Oporto.

Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Plaza de las Tendillas
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site

Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral

The orange trees are everywhere but they look even more majestic in the interior plaza shared by the mosque and the Cathedral, both with such monumentality!

Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
The Cathedral tower from Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Details with Moorish elements – Córdoba Spain
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco

Puente Romano – Córdoba Spain

From the Roman Bridge, we have one of the most impressive images over Córdoba: the bridge, the river, the Door of the Bridge, the Mosque-Cathedral, the palaces and the Alcázar – undoubtfully a dreamy scenario!

On the side of the bridge and along the river we can catch a sight of old mills, one of them still with a big wheel that is now one of the favourite spots for cats to sunbath.

Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Mills and wheels

Jewish neighbourhood – Córdoba Spain

The tight streets we go walking by and many magical corners, where we can also find courtyards full of life and inviting coffee shops.

Here we can also visit the Synagogue.

  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Statue of Maimonides, recognized for his literary work on Judaic religion and Philosophy

Every corner in Córdoba Spain has a story to tell about the many folks that there crossed their paths. It is a city that proudly shows its Arabic heritage and uses that as a tourist attraction: preserving that side in all the city, the different Moorish details, the traditional souvenirs that embrace that heritage, names written in Arabic that can be found in many places or you can ask to have your own personalized name in Arabic.

“Hasta Pronto” Córdoba!

  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
  • Cordoba, espanha, spain, españa, europe, europa, andalucía, andaluzia, hiking, caminhada, landscape, paisagem, world heritage site, streets, ruas, plaza de las tendillas, tendillas, mosque-cathedral, mosque, cathedral, mesquita-catedral, mesquita, catedral, puente romano, roman bridge, ponte romana, jewish neighbourhood, arabic, moorish, arabe, mourisco
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Cordoba spain, andalucía, andaluzia, arabic, cathedral, Cordoba, españa, europe, hiking, jewish neighbourhood, landscape, moorish, mosque, mosque-cathedral, plaza de las tendillas, puente romano, roman bridge, spain, streets, tendillas, world heritage site
Remain tower of one of the oldest mosques that can still be admired
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