Seize the day is the thought that comes most to mind to me if you have a sunny day in winter. And, if I do not have any close deadline with a client that keeps me in front of a …
Uma tarde de passeio pela Barra e Costa Nova
Aproveitar o dia é o pensamento que mais me ocorre quando temos dias de sol no Inverno. E, no caso de não haver nenhum prazo de entrega com clientes que me mantenha em frente do computador, só há um caminho: …
Bussaco, um tesouro verde a ser encontrado e sabores do Luso
Penso que já vos falei num dos posts anteriores do meu pequeno “problema” com o frio, problema este que provavelmente piorou depois de viver num país tropical por alguns anos. Pois é, às vezes é difícil suportar o frio (e …
Buçaco, a green treasure to be found and a taste of Luso
I believe I have already mentioned in an earlier post, my “problem” with the cold (that probably got worse after living in a tropical country for several years). Yes, it is sometimes (by sometimes I mean always :D) difficult …
Contemplar a ria na Barrinha de Esmoriz
Na semana passada passeámos pela capital da ria de Aveiro, a cidade de Aveiro, para assistir a umas festividades muito peculiares. Esta semana vamos até ao extremo norte da ria, algures entre Esmoriz e Paramos, onde existe um …
Contemplating the lagoon at “Barrinha de Esmoriz”
Last week we wandered around Aveiro’s lagoon city capital, Aveiro, for one of its most peculiar festivities. This week we go to the extreme north of the lagoon, somewhere between Esmoriz and Paramos, where there is a beautiful …
Trebilhadouro, a swim and a plate of food in Vale de Cambra // Trebilhadouro, um mergulho e um prato delicioso em Vale de Cambra
Grey sky, heavy rain and heavy winds have been the most common thing the last few days. You can feel Winter taking over Autumn, and you start missing a warm breeze or a walk in warm rays of sun. Let …
São Miguel (Part VII) – Some spots in the North and Northwest of the Island // Alguns pontos no Norte e Noroeste da Ilha
This week, we take you along some spots in the North and Northwest of the Island that we really enjoyed having passed by.
Gorreana tea factory, since 1883, is a nice area to get lost amongst the green tea …
A Park at Ul (Oliveira de Azeméis) and celebrating traditions // Um Parque em Ul e a celebração de tradições
For us, it was not the first time at the Mills Theme Park in Ul, we had been there last Winter. It was a nice surprise discovering that this place is close to where we live, and that even …
São Miguel (Part V) – Nordeste and a sunrise // Nordeste e um nascer do sol
If you are in for a nature bonding moment and experience a stunning ocean sunrise, you have the opportunity to do just that in the Nordeste area of São Miguel island. Living on the west coast of a …