Seize the day is the thought that comes most to mind to me if you have a sunny day in winter. And, if I do not have any close deadline with a client that keeps me in front of a computer, you just have to go to the sun! A sunny day feels like a godly gift that needs to be grabbed! That was what happened one of these days, and, with the visit of the mother in law, it was an extra motive to show her more of the surroundings, and in particular Barra and Costa Nova.
Barra and Costa Nova are two villages on the seashore close to Aveiro. Many look for a spot in these villages in the Summer vacations, but these are nice spots not only on hotter days.
Check our photos of a nice finding, the nice striped houses, a nice walk and a nice time. If you are staying in Aveiro or dropping by for a visit close by get to know Barra and Costa Nova better 😉

Costa Nova